Research Sites Restoration Limited (RSRL)

How RSRL used TRIZ to improve estimating the clean-up of radioactive contamination
 Download the case study here  

RSRL case study 2024-09-16 2

Using Oxford TRIZ for estimating costs

Questions Answered 

  • How can TRIZ tools can help solve complex technical problems?
  • Which Oxford TRIZ Tools were used in this process?
  • How did RSRL move forwards after their TRIZ workshop?

This case study consists of a five page full case study with background of the problem tackled in RSRL's TRIZ workshop, plus details of which TRIZ tools were used and how they were applied. 

What can you learn from this case study?

  • A structured analysis of how RSRL used TRIZ to solve their problems of cost estimation on a large project 
  • How using Oxford TRIZ meant RSRL no longer had to rely on historical estimating practices  - which had lacked focus and were risk adverse
  • The TRIZ tools used and how they helped
  • How TRIZ tools deliver structured innovation

How will this benefit you? 

  • Find out how to apply TRIZ tools to complex, technical problems
  • Understand how a clear action plan can be quickly achieved with Oxford TRIZ 
  • Gain a fast understanding of the problem's overview and the solution  - and see how Oxford TRIZ works FAST to solve problems

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Download the Case Study Here